Dairy Feeds
Showing all 4 results
40Plus Premium Dairy Meal
Dairy FeedsThis premium product is designed to help the premium cow reach maximum milk production of 40 litres or more. It is concentrated with minerals and enzymes that increase appetite and palatability and is well-balanced with high-quality bypass proteins
Calf Weaner Pellets
Dairy FeedsSpecially designed for maximum nutrient availability leading to healthy growing calves with added molasses for increased palatability.
Extra Yield Dairy Meal
Dairy FeedsWell formulated and balanced with vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal milk production of 10-15 litres and promote cow health.
Maxpro PLUS Dairy Meal
Dairy FeedsHigh energy dairy formulation for high yielding dairy cows of over 20 litres of milk per day with growth and health boosters to reach maximum production potential.